Журнал "Нирки" Том 11, №2, 2022
Рекомендації рекомендацій: лікування рецидивуючих інфекцій сечовивідних шляхів у жінок
Автори: Michael Kwok (1, 2, 3), Stephen McGeorge (1, 2), Johanna Mayer-Coverdale (4), Bianca Graves (4), David L. Paterson (5, 6), Patrick N.A. Harris (6, 7), Rachel Esler (1, 2), Caroline Dowling (8), Sumudu Britton (5, 9) and Matthew J. Roberts (1, 3, 6)
(1) — Department of Urology, Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital
(2) — Faculty of Medicine
(3) — University of Queensland
(4) — Herston ID Institute (HEIDI)
(5) — Department of Infectious Diseases, Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital
(6) — Faculty of Medicine, University of Queensland Centre for Clinical Research
(7) — Central Laboratory, Pathology Queensland, Brisbane
(8) — Department of Urology, Redcliffe Hospital, Redcliffe
(9) — Infection and Inflammation Program, QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, Herston Qld and (8) Department of Urology, Eastern Health, Melbourne, Vic., Australia
Рубрики: Нефрологія
Розділи: Офіційна інформація