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Human anatomy. Part 2. Splanchnology. Nervous system. Cardiovascular system: Study guide for the practical classes course

Kerechanyn I.

Human anatomy. Part 2. Splanchnology. Nervous system. Cardiovascular system: Study guide for the practical classes course

Год издания: 2019

Страниц: 144

ISBN: 978-617-632-105-7

Human anatomy is the science concerned with the structure of the human body. Knowledge of human anatomy is the base for studying clinical disciplines, which requires providing the methodical literature for medical students studying in English.
The Study Guide includes the systematic principles of the human body. This is the main structural difference in comparison with the foreign anatomical textbooks. The systematic principle distinguishes the systems of human body, and then the organs and tissues.
This book is written in English according to the current program (Syllabus) of the “Human anatomy” academic discipline approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine (2005), with terminological English-Latin dictionary according to the International Anatomical Nomenclature (S?o Paulo, 1997), the Ukrainian standard (2001), which allows medical students studying in English to learn human anatomy.
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