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Журнал «Здоровье ребенка» 8 (59) 2014

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Quantitative information resources and innovative research work carried out in ukraine in the field of child and adolescent health

Авторы: Vodolazhskiy M. - State Institution "Institute for children and adolescents health care of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine"

Рубрики: Педиатрия/Неонатология

Разделы: Справочник специалиста

Версия для печати

Scientific results of research are reflected in the system of medical records that provide a consumer (a doctor or a scientist) with scientific or applied information, obtained as a result of investigative projects and presented in the form of articles in scientific journals, monographs, manuals, reference books, patent specifications of inventions and utilities, certificates of authorship registration in scientific works, computer programs and databases, as well as guidelines, circulars, bulletin of innovations by the Ministry of Health and the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, and registers of unclassified medical technologies that form information and innovative resources in research. The availability of information that contain these documents, their timely analysis provide avoidance of scientific projects duplication, discovery of the priority research fields, and identification of gaps in the knowledge on the phenomena under consideration. The study of the above intellectual resources is fairly valuable and useful for the solution of many scientific and applied problems, including health care of children and adolescents.

However, an important element of scientific and technological activity estimation on the whole is such a special case as assessment of the efficiency of a particular completed research work or a thesis, that is to say its scientific result.

Aim of the paper: to define quantitative indices of innovative and information resources components regarding research projects, carried out in Ukraine in 2007-2011 in the field «health care of children and adolescents», and their subject orientation.

Quantitative indices of the information resource components in the research projects, carried out in the said period in Ukraine in the field of health care of children and adolescents, have been analyzed in our study.

The analysis shows that more than half (in percentage ratio) of information resources constitute abstracts of reports (57.46 %), and the second place belongs to the articles (39.24 %). Percentage of monographs, reference books, manuals of information resources is 3.28 %.

It is important to note that the most ponderable component of the created innovative resources are innovations (46.87 %), the second place rank utilities (21.91 %). Percentage of inventions makes 12.48 %. The least scientific result is embodied in the certificates of authorship (3.94 %). That is, the authors do not use such an important component as copyright certificates. Analysis of the data presented in the registration forms of research works has shown that only 2.5 % of authors make in the bibliography references to this component of innovative resources.

By analyzing the subject tendency of research projects it has been established that the greater part of information resources has been made in the following fields: infectology (11.22 %), new-born children and children of the first year of life, pulmonology (10.82 % and 10.55 %, respectively), gastroenterology, cardiology, and rheumatology (about 7 %).

The data obtained show that most of the intellectual property objects and instructive documents have been developed according to the trends «Infectology», «Gastroenterology», «Rheumatology» and «Pulmonology»' (15.79 %, 14.04 %, and 14.47 % , respectively).

Quantitative analysis of the efficiency of research works, carried out in Ukraine in the field «'health care of children and adolescents» in 2007-2011, has shown that the research results are most of all reflected in the abstracts, and least of all in the monographs, reference books, and textbooks. The innovative result is presented in most cases in innovations and least of all in certificates of authorship on scientific essay. As to the subject content, the greater part of  the published scientific works and formed objects of innovative activity regards such fields of medicine as infectology, pulmonology, gastroenterology, and children of the first year of life.

Undoubtedly, the results of research, embodied in various scientific documents, are designed both for the diffusion of knowledge in the medical environment and for the use by specialists in their practical activity. They comprise some new or improved medical technologies, services and organizational decisions that exert a significant influence on the effectiveness of medical care and characterize information and innovative constituents of the research development.

The issue of creation not only the fund of research works and dissertations with their subsequent scientometric analysis and expert judgment, but also a quantitative assessment of the final scientific results on order to avoid duplication, to predict the trends of scientific development, and to improve the system of planning and coordination of research is up to the present a matters of great urgency.

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